DCHS counselors are hard at work to get students' schedules ready for the first day of school, and August 10 will be here before we know it! All student schedules, both distance learners as well as traditional, will be available to view in StudentPortal/ParentPortal on August 3, and students can submit schedule change forms until 3:45 on August 5. Schedule change forms can be found on the home page of the DCHS Counselors' website and must be submitted digitally. If you need access to ParentPortal, please email whitney.white@dcsms.org, and she can help you get that set up.
Please know that schedules are fluid and are all subject to change even after August 3. Make sure and check your schedule on StudentPortal/ParentPortal again before August 10 just to make sure you're seeing the most up to date information.
Our counselors are excited for a great year!