The email below was sent out to all parents Sunday, August 1, but, just in case you missed it....
Good evening, DCHS Parents,
As we draw closer to the start of school, we wanted to share a few important reminders/pieces of information with you regarding your child's DCHS class schedule. Please share this with your student, as this obviously very much relates to him/her. =)
Tomorrow, August 2, schedules will be available to view in PowerSchool/ParentPortal.
Schedules are all still very much subject to change, as we are still working on tweaking numerous aspects of our students' schedules
If your child has an empty schedule or a blank spot in his/her schedule, continue to check back. Schedules are being updated and changing constantly.
Schedule change requests will ONLY be accepted through the GoogleDoc that will be available on the school website as well as the counselors' website from August 2 through Friday, August 6 at 3:30.
Please only submit a schedule change 1 time
Please look at your child's full schedule, as this is the time to request changes for the whole year's schedule
If you need access to PowerSchool/ParentPortal, please email
If you are not able to access your child's schedule online, no worries! All students will be issued a paper schedule in their homeroom classes on the first day of school (Thursday, August 5)
Your schedules have been specifically checked to make sure you meet graduation requirements and your endorsement requirements, as well as the requirement for Work Release, if applicable
If there has been a class(es) added to your schedule, it is more than likely in relation to your endorsement/graduation requirements
Endorsements can only be changed by parents/guardians
No schedule changes will be accepted after Friday, August 6 at 3:30
Please make sure to read all of the above information, as well
We will be in meetings over the next 3 days, as well as continuing to work diligently on schedules in preparation for Thursday. If you have submitted a schedule change request, you won't need to additionally call/email, as we will be working through the requests as quickly as possible.
We are at record enrollment, so not every change will be possible; priority will be given to changes related to graduation requirements.
We are so excited to kick off a great year with all of our DCHS students, and we are looking forward to seeing all of them back on campus Thursday! =)
Best, DCHS Counselors