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Two is Better than One

Writer: dchscounselors4dchscounselors4

Are you interested in taking college courses in high school? Do you want to earn both high school and college credits from one course? If so, you may be interested in adding dual credit courses to your schedule.

In order to qualify, you must hold a minimum 3.0 GPA and have earned 14 credits. Many of the courses usually require minimum ACT scores, but some have been waived this year due to COVID. For the 2020-21 school year, DCHS is planning to offer the following dual credit courses:

  • American National Government

  • College Algebra (must have ACT Math score of 19)

  • College Trigonometry (must have ACT Math score of 19)

  • Composition I (must have ACT English score of 17)

  • Composition II (must have ACT English score of 17)

  • General Psychology

  • Principles of Biology

  • Principles of Macroeconomics

  • Spanish I

  • Speech

  • US History

Most of these courses are taught online through NWCC professors and proctored by DCHS faculty. Students may enroll in dual credit classes whether they are attending school traditionally or via distance learning. Each course does have a fee attached, but that fee varies by course, and online courses tend to be a little more expensive than face-to-face.

To sign up or ask any questions, contact, and please sign up for our dual credit Remind account (text @dchsdualcr to 81010).

Deadline to sign up for fall semester: AUGUST 7

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